What is Map Your Neighborhood?
Map Your Neighborhood (MYN) is a disaster preparedness and response program for you and your immediate neighbors. In one short meeting with your neighbors you’ll learn the 9 steps to take immediately after an area-wide disaster that will help you and your neighbors respond to problems at your home and on your block, how to prevent a small problem from becoming a big problem, and how to report your block’s status to your area’s CERT reporting location for the most effective way to get help from emergency services – even when the 911 system is down. The Map Your Neighborhood program started in our city in 2008 and is managed under the Manhattan Beach Fire Department.
To enroll in a “Map Your Neighborhood” training class, email info@mbcerta.org
include your name, email address and phone number
Our thanks to LuAn Johnson, PhD, Public Education Manager, Washington State Emergency Management for creating the MYN program.
MYN is taught in cooperation with Manhattan Beach CERT, Manhattan Beach Fire Department, and Manhattan Beach Neighborhood Watch.