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Manhattan Beach CERT Association
"Citizens Helping Neighbors and Our City"
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What is involved in MBCERT training courses?
There are 6 courses, 4 hours each, for a total of 24 hours required by FEMA for certification. Classes are subject to change.
Which classes are included?
The classes are in 2 hour modules that include:
Disaster Preparedness
Disaster Fire Suppression
Disaster Medical Operations/Triage
Search and Rescue
Disaster Medical Operations/Assessment
Team Organization and Management
Disaster Exercise
Additional Resources
Visit the following websites to expand your knowledge about disaster preparedness. Be sure to check back occasionally for new/updated resources! has an excellent range of CERT training materials, from up-to-date manuals to CERT training videos.
FEMA offers National Preparedness courses that are managed and/or provided by numerous organizations. You can use their Online Course Catalog to find specific kinds of training.
FEMA offers private sector users free, downloadable table top exercises centered around various forms of disaster preparation.
The Great ShakeOut is a worldwide drill that aims to prepare people in the event of large-scale earthquakes. Visit their website to see how you can prepare today!
*MBCERT offers Great Shakeout training classes over the course of the year.
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